Wednesday, November 21, 2018

How marijuana can teach intuitive eating for weight loss in San Jose?

o I teach intuitive eating for weight loss. I live near by San Jose. And I get cravings for marijuana.

What do marijuana and weight loss have to do with each other?

Marijuana is a psychologically addicting drug.

And I have struggled with it.

Sometimes I feel a compulsion towards it.

An urge to binge, to smoke, to numb, to distract, to flee.

I started in highschool, graduated to daily in college, and then have been off and on for years.

So what does marijuana have to do with weight loss?

It’s a perfect analogy for the cravings I see people struggle with when they diet.

Let me explain:

See, I help people who have been harmed by dieting to lose weight without dieting.

And I essentially help people follow the proven path of Intuitive Eating (although I have combined some of my yoga and counseling experience into my training program as well)

And intuitive eating has a different approach to weight loss than traditional dieting

Specifically intuitive eating has a unique approach to dealing with cravings.

You know, those foods you shouldn’t have? Those foods that are taboo?

Those foods that you can’t stop thinking about, that you just crave?

Ice cream, chocolate, nutella, chips, fried chicken, whatever it is.

Dieting would be easy. Heck, dieting would work if you just didn’t get these cravings for these foods.

(don’t worry if you can’t diet. No one can. Tracy Mann at UCLA analyzed every single long term weight loss study and found that basically nobody can successfully diet. And 50% of people actually gain weight because they diet)

And for me, I get those same craving feelings for marijuana.

And I have applied the principles of intuitive eating to dramatically reduce my cravings for marijuana.

This nondiet message can also be applied to weed!

Let me explain real quick:

I am allowing myself to have as much weed as I want.

In fact, just the other day I got back from vacation and wanted weed.


Paradoxically, because I knew I could have weed any time I wanted …

I didn’t want it.

I was able to listen to my gut (not my head) …

And my gut simply didn’t want weed.

Not because I was on some anti-diet of weed.

No, diets don’t work.

I’ve tried quitting weed dozens of time and it always comes back.

Ever since I started applying the principles of Intuitive Eating to my own life in terms of weed, I’ve seen a dramatic reduction in weed use.

It’s awesome.

Check out this episode!

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