Thursday, October 18, 2018

Enlightenment From Willpower

The biggest problem I see helping people is the delusion of willpower.

Our society has associated willpower with success.

And therefore, the opposite is true.

If you fail at food your willpower must be low.

Like if you fail to eat the right type of foods in the whole 30 then your willpower is low.

If you try the ‘no sugar, no carb’ diet and fail it’s because your willpower is low.

And if your willpower is low then YOU must be a failure.

The problem stems from the incorrect view of willpower.

Our society views willpower like air.

Are you breathing right now? Yes. Of course.

Just like you always have enough air around you ...

People mistakenly think you always have enough willpower around you, too.


If you fail your diet, it’s because YOU ARE LAZY.

A lot of people reading this really deeply believe that their willpower failures are evidence they
personally are lazy. Is this you? Email me or comment.

Because the thing is ... THIS is Wrong!!!

For most people ...

Willpower is much more like my old laptop's battery.

See my old laptop I would take it fully charged to go study at the library. And then I would I
would sit down and turn on my laptop.

I’d get everything set up but then my computer would start dimming automatically.

Confused, I would remember ... My battery only lasted a few hours!!!

And the same thing is true with willpower. It only lasts a few hours and then it’s gone!

So imagine being at the library when your computer dies...

Would you then blame yourself?

Would you call yourself lazy, unmotivated, stupid, etc? No! Of course not.

You’d say ...


I need a charger!

And not having a battery in terms of weight loss is like coming home at night after a 10 hour
stressful work day.

You don’t have energy to think. In fact, you need to binge and watch some TV.

You NEED to. No arguing. You Need to.

Like wouldn’t it be nice If Only Willpower Was The Problem ...

Wouldn’t it be great if willpower was the problem?

Like what if your stressful job, your stressful kids and your stressful husband/wife weren’t to

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Well ... all these problems can easily go away according to the diet industry!

The diet industry says ‘Just Use Willpower’ and all your problems will go away! In fact, I do a
whole episode on the Weight Loss Enlightenment Podcast about these ideas!

You’ll be slim, attractive and energized in no time!

All you have to do is use willpower to

Not eat sugar

Have homecooked meals

Not eat things out of plastic, like candy

Gosh wouldn’t that make things simple?

I mean, then you wouldn’t have to worry about making a thousand small decisions each day.

To hydrate yourself in the morning

To have protein before you leave the house

To bring nutritious snacks to work

To meal prep

But in reality ...

It’s daily tiny decisions that count!

Some wise person once said this to this effect:

Thoughts lead to feelings,

Feelings to actions,

Actions to habits,

Habits into lifestyle,

Lifestyle into character.

So the way forward into a healthy life is not through willpower.

Because willpower often times leads to a dead battery!

Because there will always be those times when you fail.

There will always be those times when you come home completely exhausted and your
willpower battery is dead.

What then?

If you're relying on willpower, your toast.

But by doing something else entirely ...

Something that is fun, something that you want to do, something that is easy ...

You can successfully do 1 tiny behavior.

What does this mean?

You change one lil tiny easy behavior at a time.

So it’s progress, not perfection.

ike just take any old random habit. Like water. Say you start drinking water for a week, every

Do this new habit at the same time each day and then make sure you feel good afterwards (even if it’s just a flash of pride).

Instead of beating yourself for not having enough willpower, just be consistent with your new habits.

Please watch the free 35 minute training on my website to learn more powerful truths about the delusions the Diet Industry promotes and how you can sustainably lose weight!

Check out this episode!

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