Monday, October 22, 2018

Enlightenment - All Calories Are Not Created Equal

This lil piece is about the omnipotent high protein rich food diet ...

But first some context because you may have heard about the Cravings Challenge ...

This intro story is a lil long so just scroll down if you want to know

The best nutrition hack to defeating cravings
Why a calorie is not just a calorie (this insight will blow your mind)
What 25 grams of protein looks like
But let’s start out with cravings because that’s where all I’m sure you know what cravings are right?

Just in case you don’t (there’s gotta be someone out there who doesn’t know what cravings are!) cravings are those ridiculously powerful needs to eat when you’re hungry.

Nom Nom NOM!!!

For a lot of people cravings are the hardest part about losing weight.

I hear this all the time. Like just the other day I was with someone when they said:

“Weight loss would be so easy if only I didn’t get urges to eat!”

Have you ever felt the same when you’ve been ‘good’ and then can’t resist a chocolate brownie?

(and then that chocolate brownie turns into like 10 brownies...)

Anyways. Where was I? Oh ya. Cravings Challenge.

So I email, youtube, and put out some pictures with info on the Cravings Challenge.

I tell you to do 3 simple things:
Before you indulge a craving ...

Take out a notecard or something to write on (and this 1st step btw is by far the hardest)
Think “What did I just experience?” and “What am I feeling now?”
Write your previous experience and what you’re feeling
So get this.

Someone from my email list actually replied to me within a few hours. And what they said blew my mind!

First, I wasn’t expecting that quick of a reply!

To summarize what they said:

“I just had a hunger episode. But I did what you said. I took out my notecard and answered those 2 questions. My answers were ‘traffic’ and ‘tired as fuck’.”

But then this person went on to say ...

“I can see where this is going. I was stuck in traffic which made me feel stressed. I was exhausted because I spent all day at work. So my hunger attack was related to stress and being tired.”

BAM!!! Oh. My God. I can’t tell you how stoked I was for this person.

Holy shizzleee!!!

They figured out the pattern!

They figured out ...

Cravings are related to being tired and exhausted!

And before you say “Well I already knew that”

I ask you to write down your answers before a cravings attack.

Because the process of writing down your answers before a cravings attack...

What it does is breaks your automatic thinking.

And you emotionally see things more clearly.

Because yes, you might know intellectually cravings are related to stress...

But until you shine the light of awareness AS the cravings hit ...

Your intellectual knowledge doesn’t matter for shit.

You have to break the emotional pattern of cravings with the insightful awareness.
So anyways ...

This person then TOTALLY speaks from their heart.

They say to the effect ...

“Hey I know I need to live a different lifestyle. And trust me I am trying. But for right now. How can I reduce cravings? What the hack? I feel like I’ve tried everything? What’s the hack?”

And so this article is about the HACK to the High Protein Diet.

To get specific from a nutritional standpoint.

The value of food is not created equal.

Not all foods are created equal.

A calorie is not just a calorie!!

Ergo. Calories are not created equal.

So what does this mean?

You have to fill yourself up with calories that have VALUE.

You can’t be eating crap that literally doesn’t fill you up.

Now don’t get me wrong.

I’m not saying you have to eat helllla healthy.


I’m saying the calories you eat must be real.

They have to take up space and have nutrients.

Now this is all theoretical right now.

I want to tie things together for this lady.

I am going to give generic straightforward advice about high protein diet.
Eat 25-30g grams of protein 2-3x a day. At a minimum.

2x a day if you're a girl. 3x a day if you're a guy.

Protein can be made more complex than this, no doubt.

But for people who are just trying to lose weight and keep it off, this is some of the best advice I can give.

Now don’t get hung up too much on the 3x a day or whether the amount of protein you get is 20 grams or 30 grams.

But you need to eat real protein.

Not that fried crap from McDonalds.

Not those burgers that come in sterile plastic bags.

I’m talking home cooked meat. Or nuts. Or avocados. Or eggs. Or tofu.

And to make things even more simple for you...

I found a few great resources that give pictures of what 25 grams of protein looks like.

Check out this episode!

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